German Dictionary

Translation of measure in German

to measure     messen
the measure     die Maßnahme

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
George is using a ruler to measure the length of his desk.

George benutzt einen Lineal um die Länge des Schreibtisches abzumessen.
The recipe is quite complex and requires careful measuring of all ingredients. Das Rezept ist recht kompliziert und erfordert sorgfältiges Abmessen aller Zutaten.
The sensor in the oak measures the speed of photosynthesis. Der Sensor in der Eiche misst die Geschwindigkeit der Photosynthese.
measure Maßstab; Maßnahme; Ausmaß
precautionary measure Vorsichtsmassnahme
to measure, measure messen, Maß
measure Mass; Masseinheit
to measure messen

We returned to the former capital of the South at dawn and were dropped next to our place. We had a very nice day all in all, although it was very touristy. We felt that we have seen enough of the area.
They were floating in self made tubs and rowed with sticks. When they reached our boat they tried to sell us beverage. We vigorously denied them access to our boat. It just did not help.
The counter opened 45 minutes before take-off, and we really had to beg the ground personal to check for another seat. They were friendly, but nonetheless we felt that they would do us a favor.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of measure   [ measured, measured ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of messen
messe  mißt  mißt  messen  meßt  messen  maß  maßest  maß  maßen  maßt  maßen