German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The merchant used the occasion to present her with a beautiful amethyst. |
Der Händler nutzte die Gelegenheit, ihr einen schönen Amethyst zu schenken. |
special occasion | besonderer gelegenheit |
the reason, cause, occasion | der Anlass |
special occasion | besonderer Anlass |
occasion | Gelegenheit; Ereignis |
occasion | Gelegenheit; Anlass |
occasion | Anlass, Ereignis |
the occasion | der Anlass |
occasion | Anlass; Grund |
an occasion | Ereignis |
Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
We checked in at the Hotel de Paris, a small hotel owned by a friendly, old lady. Our rooms were OK, but we asked to be transferred to the newer part of the hotel. The stomach ache of my wife did not disappear.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
We checked in at the Hotel de Paris, a small hotel owned by a friendly, old lady. Our rooms were OK, but we asked to be transferred to the newer part of the hotel. The stomach ache of my wife did not disappear.
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