German Dictionary

Translation of letter in German

the letter      der Buchstabe 
the letter     I wrote a long letter to my girlfriend. der Brief Ich habe einen langen Brief an meine Freundin geschrieben.
the letter     der Brief; der Buchstabe

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Sample sentences:
The alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet.

Das Alpha ist der erste Buchstabe im griechischen Alphabet.
The homer brought Marie the letter on Monday. Die Brieftaube brachte Marie den Brief am Montag.
Even if the letters are scrambled, we can still read the words. Selbst wenn die Buchstaben durcheinandergebracht werden, können wir die Wörter trotzdem noch lesen.
application; letter of application Bewerbungsschreiben
express letter; special delivery letter Eilbrief
business letter Unternehmen, Geschäft
letter of complaint Mängelrüge
covering letter(1) Bewerbungsschreiben
cover(ing) letter Bewerbungsschreiben
business letter Geschäftsbrief
letter of complaint Beschwerdebrief
post a letter einen Brief absenden

HOLA is Spanish and means hi, doesn't it? How is life in Brazil, is it really as dangerous as they say in the TV? Maybe you can tell me a little bit of your country, in Spanish, then I can correct your sentences!
Why do you wanna learn to speak Portuguese, it's a very difficult language? I don't know many people who can speak well, except Portuguese and Brazilians of course. I love the sound of it.
I actually wrote you earlier, but everything got erased when I accidentally closed my browser window. Anyway, you want to know about the Germany. I can send you some information and send you some links.
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