German Dictionary

Translation of lift in German

to lift      heben 
to lift     anheben
the lift     der Aufzug; der Fahrstuhl; der Lift
the lift     der Auftrieb

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
An old hag lifted her apron to wipe off her sweat.

Ein altes Weib hob seine Schürze, um sich den Schweiß abzuwischen.
Traditionally the father of the bride will lift the veil in church. Traditionsgemäß hebt der Vater der Braut den Schleier in der Kirche.
I am unable to lift or to push the anvil. Ich bin nicht in der Lage, den Amboss zu heben oder zu schieben.
to lift weights; lift weights stemmen, Gewichte heben
to go with; travel with; get a lift mitfahren
lift the reciever den Hörer abheben
lift the phone den Hörer abnehmen
to lift sanctions Sanktionen aufheben
lift; raise; alzar, levantar heben
elevator lift Fahrstuhl, Aufzug
lift Lift; Mitfahrgelegenheit
lift aufheben; Aufzug; Lift

My Spanish isn't so good.I learn the vocabulary but I need the practise by writing the sentences. It is not easy. I wish you a very nice weekend, I wish you a nice evening and victory today in the football-game Germany-Spain.
I was very busy during the last month. I had to write some letters to find a new job. Thanks for your message yesterday evening! Where do you life in the USA? I have never been there, not yet, buy I will one day.
In the afternoon we went to the Cerro Catedral which is a small mountain not far (30 minutes) from the city. You can either climb up or take the chair lift. We chose the second option.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of lift   [ lifted, lifted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of heben
hebe  hebst  hebt  heben  hebt  heben  hob  hobst  hob  hoben  hobt  hoben