German Dictionary

Translation of meanwhile in German

meanwhile      währenddessen 
meanwhile     mittlerweile
meanwhile     unterdessen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Meanwhile, the revolution was in full swing in Chile.

Mittlerweile war die Revolution in Chile in vollem Gange.
in the meantime; meanwhile inzwischen
meanwhile; in the meantime derweil
meanwhile inzwischen, unterdessen
meanwhile währenddessen(1)
meanwhile inzwischen

Thank you for correcting my German, I always get confused with the words that put the verb at the end. Like the zu and the ab and the an... All new to me. I truly wish to continue our friendship.
However, his English was excellent and we soon found out that he was an English teacher before the war. We agreed on a price for showing us the entire area during the next 2 days. We took a nap and he picked us up later.
We visited the Inca Ruins on the mountains near Pisac: A taxi took us to the top and we walked all the way back down to Pisac (which by the way is not an easy task on day 2 at this altitude)
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