German Dictionary

Translation of lonely in German

lonely     einsam

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
One should never reject a conversation with a lonely person.

Man sollte einer einsamen Person niemals ein Gespräch verwehren.
The penguin's reflection in the water made him feel less lonely. Durch seine eigene Spiegelung im Wasser fühlte sich der Pinguin weniger einsam.
felt lonely fühlte mcih einsam
Lonely/ Remote Einsam
so lonely so einsam
lonely einsam (adv)
lonely einsam

Hello and Dude. I'm great as here in Europe the sixteen best national soccer-teams are playing against each other (it is called Euro). Turkey won the first match last Sunday (1:0). Probably they will win the next match tomorrow.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
We had decided to fly to Lima (instead of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and to visit Machu Picchu just a few weeks before leaving Europe.
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