German Dictionary

Translation of mediate in German

to mediate     schlichten; vermitteln

Translation by Vocabulix


mediate; facilitar; mediar vermitteln

We spoke on Friday noon, I got your details through Vocabulix friends. That is similar to what you're teacher is using. It would be best if we could meet or communicate through phone or email.
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After a short guided tour we came back to pick up our luggage and left to the airport. When the airplane took off it was already dark outside. We were surprised about the airline's good condition and service.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mediate   [ mediated, mediated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schlichten
schlichte  schlichtest  schlichtet  schlichten  schlichtet  schlichten  schlichtete  schlichtetest  schlichtete  schlichteten  schlichtetet  schlichteten     
Conjugation of vermitteln
vermittle  vermittelst  vermittelt  vermitteln  vermittelt  vermitteln  vermittelte  vermitteltest  vermittelte  vermittelten  vermitteltet  vermittelten