German Dictionary

Translation of melt in German

to melt      schmelzen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The cheese melted on top of the meatball.

Der Käse schmolz auf der Frikadelle.
Sascha keeps the ice cream in the freezer so that it won't melt. Sascha behält die Eiscreme im Gefrierschrank damit es nicht schmilzt.
It took an eternity for the frost to melt and the ground to soften. Es dauerte eine Ewigkeit, bis der Frost wegtaute und der Boden weicher wurde.
to melt schmelzen; weich machen
to melt abschmelzen; auftauen
melt schmelzen, zergehen
to melt schmelzen
melt Schmelze

My Spanish isn't so good.I learn the vocabulary but I need the practise by writing the sentences. It is not easy. I wish you a very nice weekend, I wish you a nice evening and victory today in the football-game Germany-Spain.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
Dinner was nothing special in this town and the restaurant wasn't either. Most waiters and the owner himself were more interested in Chile's qualifying soccer game than in their guests.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of melt   [ melted, melted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schmelzen
schmelze  schmilzt  schmilzt  schmelzen  schmelzt  schmelzen  schmolz  schmolzest  schmolz  schmolzen  schmolzt  schmolzen