German Dictionary

Translation of mortgage in German

to mortgage     verpfänden
the mortgage     die Hypothek

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The transfer of the money will help us to pay off the mortgage.

Die Überweisung des Geldes wird uns dabei helfen, die Hypothek abzubezahlen.
mortgage Hypothek; Grundpfandrecht; Pfand
to take a mortgage een hypotheek nemen
to mortgage eine Hypothek aufnehmen
mortgage Hypothek; Darlehen
mortgage Hypothek
mortgage Kredit

With no hot water, we had to switch rooms once more. Before moving I decided to check the next room (it was already the third) from all points of view: noise, hot water, no smell and maybe some windows.
The name of the agency was Handspan and they were the first ones in the country that worked under ISO 9001:2000 quality management. That was pretty convincing especially after our horrible experience the day earlier.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mortgage   [ mortgaged, mortgaged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verpfänden
verpfände  verpfändest  verpfändet  verpfänden  verpfändet  verpfänden  verpfändete  verpfändetest  verpfändete  verpfändeten  verpfändetet  verpfändeten