German Dictionary

Translation of motivate in German

to motivate     motivieren

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Confinement motivates many people to educate themselves.

Gefangenschaft motiviert viele Menschen dazu, sich weiterzubilden.
I tried to motivate her to play with others, but she remained unresponsive. Ich versuchte, sie zum Spielen mit anderen zu motivieren, aber sie blieb teilnahmslos.

Her students are using the software and learning with the website afterwards on a regular basis. She is very satisfied and she was kind and gave me your number, as she thought that it may interest you.
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On day number 2 we made a day trip to Punta Tombo. We rented a local guide to take us from Puerto Madryn to Punta Tombo to watch the penguins. There were lots of them and walking through their towns was fun!
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of motivieren
motiviere  motivierst  motiviert  motivieren  motiviert  motivieren  motivierte  motiviertest  motivierte  motivierten  motiviertet  motivierten