German Dictionary

Translation of number in German

to number     nummerieren; zählen
the number     die Anzahl; die Nummer; die Zahl

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The number 12 has two digits.

Die Zahl 12 hat zwei Ziffern.
The page numbers were moved from header to footer. Die Seitenzahlen wurden von der Fußzeile in die Kopfzeile verlegt.
He input Lana's number into his cell phone. Er gab Lanas Nummer in sein Handy ein.
a case number ein Aktenzeichen; eine Kennnummer; eine Auftragsnummer
a retrieval number eine Kennummer(1); eine Bestellnummer
numerous; large number of viel; zahlreich
to dial a number eine Nummer wählen
the telephone number die Telefonnummer
bank code number die Bankleitzahl
the number(s) die Nummer, Nummern
mobile number Natel- Handynummer
registration number Steuernummer

So we decided to move on. We were looking to get the next flight to Hoi Ann, which is located right in the center of the country, but we were told that there had been floods a week earlier.
The name of the agency was Handspan and they were the first ones in the country that worked under ISO 9001:2000 quality management. That was pretty convincing especially after our horrible experience the day earlier.
Please tell me more about you and I would love to chat with you in either English or German. My phone number is ++++++. Please call me during the evening hours. Looking forward and take care
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of number   [ numbered, numbered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zählen
zähle  zählst  zählt  zählen  zählt  zählen  zählte  zähltest  zählte  zählten  zähltet  zählten