German Dictionary

Translation of overcome in German

to overcome     bezwingen; überwinden

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
You shall overcome the vices of youth and turn into a righteous man.

Du sollst die Laster der Jugend überwinden und zu einem rechtschaffenen Mann werden.
overcome nadjačati; nadvladati; obuzeti
to overcome; to conquer überwinden
overcome überwinden, besiegen
overcome etwas überwinden

Ok. I will send you a new exercise. As far as I remember, you got the book for 10 Euro. Is that correct? Meanwhile, please send me your email address, your Skype user name and if you want phone number.
I just came back from Switzerland. Please give me a week to read the material you sent me. How was your time in Switzerland? Rani already asked me yesterday. Tell me when and where. I'll keep Tuesday free.
On our last day we went to visit Stanley, a small town on Honk Kong island, actually on the other side of the mountain. The ride to the town was nice but the town itself was nothing special.
Do you know the meaning of? photograph    present    rank    reward    season    silent    sour    strict    talented    timer   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of overcome   [ overcame, overcome ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bezwingen
bezwinge  bezwingst  bezwingt  bezwingen  bezwingt  bezwingen  bezwang  bezwangst  bezwang  bezwangen  bezwangt  bezwangen     
Conjugation of überwinden
überwinde  überwindest  überwindet  überwinden  überwindet  überwinden  überwand  überwandest  überwand  überwanden  überwandet  überwanden