German Dictionary

Translation of own in German

to own     besitzen
own     eigen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This quirky old man lived on his own in the woods.

Dieser schrullige alte Mann lebte allein in den Wäldern.
The bearer of the shares owns the company. Der Inhaber der Aktien ist Eigentümer der Firma.
Being late to your own wedding is unforgivable, Max! Zu deiner eigenen Hochzeit zu spät zu kommen ist unverzeihlich, Max!
own besitzen; Eigentümer sein von
to own, own besitzen; eigene(r,s)
of your own eigener/s; eigene/r/s
own-label Hausmarke; eigene Marke
my own age für mich alleine
own, owner besitzen, Besitzer
own eigene; eigener; eigenes
on their own allein, selbst
to own; to possess besitzen

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We cursed our bus driver and tour guide and everybody knew that these people were not professional. After 2 hours we arrived at the destination. It was a little boat station on a riverbank.
We were a little sad that we had to leave Peru so soon, but we had to take the 7.30 bus which would take us to the Chilean border. Chile and Argentina were still the main destinations of our trip.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of own   [ owned, owned ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of besitzen
besitze  besitzt  besitzt  besitzen  besitzt  besitzen  besaß  besaßest  besaß  besaßen  besaßet  besaßen