German Dictionary

Translation of besitzen

besitzen to own    ; to possess    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Artefakt besaß Farbe und Gestalt eines Feuerballs.

The artifact was shaped and colored like a fireball.
Es ist unmöglich für eine Amphibie, einen Eierstock zu besitzen. It is impossible for an amphibian to have an ovary.
Jeder Genosse muss irgendeine Form von Kennung besitzen. Every comrade has to have some form of identification.
besitzen; Eigentümer sein von own
besitzen; eigene(r,s) to own, own
halten, besitzen, haben to hold

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
I already spoke to Lin, but nonetheless I would like to send you a list of lessons that you could start with. Please login to your Vocabulix account and save the lessons before starting with them.
The next day it we had another hike, this time much further away, but luckily downhill. We again walked through various rice fields and rice terraces, along rivers and through hill tribe villages.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of besitzen
besitze  besitzt  besitzt  besitzen  besitzt  besitzen  besaß  besaßest  besaß  besaßen  besaßet  besaßen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of own   [ owned, owned ]
Conjugation of possess   [ possessed, possessed ]