German Dictionary

Translation of past in German

the past      die Vergangenheit 
past     It is a quarter past one. nach Es ist viertel nach eins.
past     vorüber

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The whale whooshed past us, and our hearts beat faster.

Der Wal rauschte an uns vorbei, und unsere Herzen schlugen schneller.
Every morning I walked past the dairy and heard the cows' voices. Jeden Morgen ging ich an der Molkerei vorbei und hörte die Stimmen der Kühe.
My coat ripped when I ran past the rose bushes. Mein Mantel riss auf, als ich an den Rosenbüschen vorbeilief.
after; past nach (zeitlich); nach (in Uhrzeiten)
past the post-office vorbei am Postamt
quarter past ten(1) viertel nach zehn
quarter past eight Viertel nach acht.
quarter past nine Viertel nach neun
half past eight halb neun (Uhrzeit)
past participle(1) partizip perfekt
past the house vorbeigehen am Haus
in the past in der Vergangenheit

Getting to the door and skipping the entire line, we started to chat with some guy from New York, and by coincidence we found out, that he had good connections in this club and could help us getting in.
Yes I think that's fine. I read your messages in German but i only understand them, answering in German is to difficult for me at the stage. Maybe after we practice for a while, I will be able to.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
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