German Dictionary

Translation of pear in German

the pear      die Birne 
the pear     der Birnbaum; die Birne

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
We bought apples, pears, strawberries, etcetera.

Wir kauften Äpfel, Birnen, Erdbeeren und so weiter.
A pear looks like a malformed apple but has a completely different taste. Eine Birne sieht wie ein verformter Apfel aus, hat aber einen ganz anderen Geschmack.
the pear(s) die Birne, Birnen
a pear eine Birne

When we got there we saw that the line was incredibly long and that we did not want to wait. Our friends from Holland were standing in the line, but we thought that we just try and ask the doorman.
Nice to meet you. I am learning English but my English is very bad, we could exchange messages in Spanish. I have got all the chat applications on my laptop. Sorry again for writing with many mistakes.
In Bariloche it took us around 3 hours to find a nice hotel. The prices varied a lot and there were no bargains. We settled for the Hotel Tirol, owned by an Austrian lady. It was a cute place with a lake view.
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