German Dictionary

Translation of repair in German

to repair      reparieren 
to repair      reparieren 
the repair      die Reparatur 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
A punctured tire should be repaired immediately to avoid an accident.

Einen kaputten Reifen sollte man schnellstmöglich reparieren um einen Unfall zu vermeiden.
Never repair your car in a garage that you don't trust. Repariere niemals Deinen Wagen in einer Garage der Du nicht traust.
fix; repair reparieren; in Ordnung bringen
to repair reparieren; erneuern; ausbessern
to mend; repair; touch up nachbessern
repair it repariert es/ihn/sie
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt
the repair shop die Werkstatt
to repair reparieren; flicken
fix; mend; repair reparieren
repair repariere flecke
a repair kit Flickzeug

I was wondering if you can tell me if few words how to study here because I don't know that's why I'm not on line most of the time,thanks. Can you help me explaining me how to do the lessons, I still don't understand it
I want to learn German, Please assist me! my name is Ina from Peru, i know English and Spanish too. What do you want to learn here? I do not have skype if you want to chat. Hasta luego mi amigo.
In Guatemala this is one of our biggest problems at the moment: young and pore people take drugs and drink alcohol because they are depressed and bored. The capital has become very dangerous.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of repair   [ repaired, repaired ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of reparieren
repariere  reparierst  repariert  reparieren  repariert  reparieren  reparierte  repariertest  reparierte  reparierten  repariertet  reparierten