German Dictionary

Translation of pollute in German

to pollute      verschmutzen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The provider of the polluted milk was unfairly turned into a scapegoat.

Der Lieferant der verseuchten Milch wurde unfairerweise zum Sündenbock gemacht.
to contaminate; to pollute verunreinigen
to pollute verschmutzen; verunreinigen
pollute verschmutzen,verseuchen
to pollute umwelt)verschmutzen
pollute sth. etw. verschmutzen

One hour later people were starting to leave and we did not exactly understand why. We took another drink and I paid the bar man cash. Later it turned out that the change he gave me would be fake money.
Are you using any literature in your studies? You want to study Spanish? I can help you. Where do you life in England? I have visited London last year. It was very amazing. It was a great trip.
After a while a truck drove by. The driver offered us a ride on the back of the truck. We jumped in. A little later we were back in the hotel, exhausted and hungry. It was time for another great meal.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of pollute   [ polluted, polluted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschmutzen
verschmutze  verschmutzt  verschmutzt  verschmutzen  verschmutzt  verschmutzen  verschmutzte  verschmutztest  verschmutzte  verschmutzten  verschmutztet  verschmutzten