German Dictionary

Translation of price in German

the price      der Preis 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Prices for longer projects are negotiable.

Preise für umfangreichere Projekte sind verhandelbar.
The sudden surge in yoghurt prices was tough for yoghurt fans. Der plötzliche Anstieg der Joghurtpreise war ein schwerer Schlag für Joghurtfans.
We need an expert to evaluate the right price for our condominium. Wir brauchen einen Experten, um den richtigen Preis für unsere Eigentumswohnung zu berechnen.
price-wage-spiral; wage-price-spiral Preis-Lohn-Spirale; Lohn-Preis-Spirale
equilibrium price Gleichgewichtspreis; Markträumungspreis
standard-price-approach Standard-Preis-Ansatz; (Grenzwert)
cut-price goods Billigprodukte; zu Schleuderpreisen
discount; price deduction Rabatt; Preisnachlass
price ceiling; maximum price Höchstpreise
competitive price konkurrenzfähig preis
price floor; minimum price Mindestpreise(1)
sales price; selling price Verkaufspreis

We spent the rest of our time, eating in good restaurants, shopping, walking around and going to bars at night. One night of these nights we went to eat dinner at the Palermo district.
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
My wife and I left the hotel to walk around this tiny village. We just fell for this place. In the afternoon we made a hike to a nearby hill. From the view point one could see the entire Atacama desert.
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