German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: One of the policemen was right there, where the bank robbery occurred. |
Einer der Polizisten war genau dort, wo der Bankraub geschah. |
The officers conducted a checkup right behind Pahoa. | Die Polizisten führten direkt hinter Pahoa eine Kontrolle durch. |
Their wee house lay right by the glen. | Ihr kleines Haus lag direkt an der Bergschlucht. |
that's right; that is right; That's right | Das ist richtig |
he's right; he's wrong | Er hat recht; er hat unrecht |
the right to development | Recht auf Entwicklung |
You're right. | Du hast Recht.; Sie haben Recht. |
to get right | etw. richtig verstehen |
right | rechts; rechte(r,s); rechte Seite |
right-wing policies | die rechte Politik |
turn left/right | rechts/lings abbiegen |
turn left/right | rechts/links abbiegen |
And I think it is really good idea for us to writing with each other in Spanish or English. however i am still beginner for Spanish learning. It seems still impossible for me to writing to you in Spanish. But i hope i can do it soon.
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
Yes, I know that because I have visited there. I speak German and I am working on my Spanish. Where are you from originally? Are you going to a some language school and what is the best way to learn for you?
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
Yes, I know that because I have visited there. I speak German and I am working on my Spanish. Where are you from originally? Are you going to a some language school and what is the best way to learn for you?