German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Leider war meine Vermutung, dass der Feuerwerkskörper das Dach treffen würde richtig. |
Unfortunately my assumption that the firecracker would hit the roof was right. |
Die Inspektion brachte die unerfreulichen Neuigkeiten, dass die Achse nicht in der richtigen Stellung war. | The inspection yielded the bad news that the axle was not in the right position. |
Der rötliche Streifen rund um das Bild sieht richtig gut aus. | The reddish stripe of paint around the picture looks really good. |
Das ist richtig | that's right; that is right; That's right |
einwandfrei; richtig; genau, anständig | proper |
hinreichend; gebührend; richtig | proper |
etw. richtig verstehen | to get right |
richtig, korrekt; rechts | right; right |
Richtig. Stimmt. | Right. That's right. |
Richtig oder falsch? | Right or wrong? |
richtig | correct, proper, right |
richtig - falsch | right - wrong |
As I mentioned before, due to the small memory size and the relatively large size of the application, a little of the traffic was lost. This traffic appeared on the log file as well as in the analyzer.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
I looked at the street name and saw that we were at the right hotel but on the wrong street. That is when I suspected that there were several hotels with the same name, one original and the rest copycats.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
I looked at the street name and saw that we were at the right hotel but on the wrong street. That is when I suspected that there were several hotels with the same name, one original and the rest copycats.
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für immer
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of correct [ corrected, corrected ] |