German Dictionary

Translation of correct in German

to correct      korrigieren 
correct      richtig 
correct      korrekt 
correct     korrekt; recht; richtig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The language teacher needs to correct all spelling mistakes.

Der Sprachschullehrer muss alle Schreibfehler korrigieren.
I made a terrible mistake and cannot correct it anymore. Ich habe einen schlimmen Fehler gemacht und kann ihn nicht mehr korrigieren.
For this equation you need to apply addition as the correct method. Für diese Gleichung musst Du Addition als korrekte Methode anwenden.
improve; make better; correct verbessern
to correct verbessern; korrigieren
to correct korrigieren; verbessern
correct, proper, right richtig
to improve; correct verbessern
to correct; grade korrigieren
correct; true richtig; wahr
(to) correct verbessern
correct (v) korrigieren

Can you please give me your phone number or I'll give you my phone number. Wish you a nice day, we'll here from each other. Bye. And by the way, my real name is Deborah but my friends just call me Debby.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
It was a two hour flight above the vast area of Patagonia. On the left side of the flight path there were mostly arid areas, some covered in snow. On the right side of the airplane were the mountains.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of correct   [ corrected, corrected ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of korrigieren
korrigiere  korrigierst  korrigiert  korrigieren  korrigiert  korrigieren  korrigierte  korrigiertest  korrigierte  korrigierten  korrigiertet  korrigierten