German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: My daughter loves sweet semolina pudding with sour cherries for dessert. |
Meine Tochter liebt süßen Grießpudding mit Sauerkirschen als Nachtisch. |
I wonder what a licorice pudding might taste like. | Ich frage mich, wie wohl ein Lakritzpudding schmecken würde. |
Christmas pudding; Plumpudding | Weihnachtsdessert |
rice pudding | Milchreis |

Delivery time can be immediate. However, usually the customization process is the bottle neck. Unfortunately learning system systems are NEVER simple shelf products. The X1 and the X2 can come in a lot of configurations.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
We felt a little awkward to be the only people in the restaurant and felt a little uncomfortable having taken with us another couple. In addition the Uruguayan cook and owner was drunk, but the food was excellent.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
We felt a little awkward to be the only people in the restaurant and felt a little uncomfortable having taken with us another couple. In addition the Uruguayan cook and owner was drunk, but the food was excellent.