German Dictionary

Translation of quake in German

to quake     beben; zittern
the quake     das Beben; das Erdbeben

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
After the quake the atmosphere in Port au Prince was dismal.

Nach dem Erdbeben herrschte eine trübselige Atmosphäre in Port au Prince.
Candles were lit for the victims of the quake. Für die Opfer des Bebens wurden Kerzen angezündet.

Do you have a brochure (marketing materials in PDF format), which I could forward by email or which I could print out here? I want to create a new listing for my friends in Berlin. Thanks.
Coniralu is the fifth school, for which I work as an agent in Europe (currently 3 of them actively). For all other schools I have found many students. The earliest connections came after 4-5 weeks.
I hope that we can teach each other a few things. I work as a nurse here in Boston, and it gives me a lot of joy and comfort because I like to help other people. It is a job that takes a lot of effort.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beben
bebe  bebst  bebt  beben  bebt  beben  bebte  bebtest  bebte  bebten  bebtet  bebten     
Conjugation of zittern
zittere  zitterst  zittert  zittern  zittert  zittern  zitterte  zittertest  zitterte  zitterten  zittertet  zitterten