German Dictionary

Translation of relevant in German

relevant     relevant; sachdienlich
relevant     erheblich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
We ordered all relevant information pamphlets and read them.

Wir bestellten alle relevanten Informationsbroschüren und lasen sie.
The report covers many subjects relevant to our community. Der Bericht deckt viele Themen ab, die für unsere Kommune relevant sind.
relevant relevant, von Bedeutung
relevant to important to

I started to speak Spanish because i had i boyfriend from Mexico. Especially I've never learned Spanish . I only listened and repeated what he spoke. Now i speak Spanish well but i need to learn grammar rules.
First we got some lunch which was the first normal experience on that day. Then we were told to take a boat. A fisherman and his young daughter were rowing and we continued on the river.
While waiting for the counter to open, my wife developed a stomach ache. The plane took of at around 4 or 5 pm and landed around 2 hours later at the airport of Santiago de Chile. It was already dark.
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