German Dictionary

Translation of them in German

them     ihnen; sie

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The chaser lost them when they hid behind the waterfall.

Der Verfolger verlor sie, als sie sich hinter dem Wasserfall versteckten.
Two coots fluttered away when our boat came near them. Zwei Blässhühner flatterten davon, als unser Boot sich ihnen näherte.
When they reached the summit, they saw the misty dingle beneath them. Als sie den Gipfel erreichten, sahen sie die neblige Waldschlucht unter sich.
the two of them die beiden, alle beide
to visit them sie besuchen
them park Freizeit Park
below them unter ihnen
to them (dat) ihnen
them; (tse:m) sie
them sie; ihnen
them (acc) sie
them sie,ihnen

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The writer describes this situation by putting the persons into a natural environment. On one side there was no shade and there weren't any trees, he says. This description can be interpreted.
We stayed there for a few hours observing the hugh ice blocks breaking off and falling into the icy waters leaving a water splash of over 100 meters. Each splash was followed by a dull thunder.
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