German Dictionary

Translation of calm in German

to calm     beruhigen
calm     ruhig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The inhalation of the herb mixture calmed him down at once.

Die Inhalation der Kräutermischung beruhigte ihn im Handumdrehen.
The suburban silhouette of Pattensen calmed Marie's mind. Die Vorstadtsilhouette von Pattensen beruhigte Maries Geist.
The shining blue calmed our eyes when we got to the sea. Das strahlende blau beruhigte unsere Augen, als wir ans Meer kamen.
to calm down; to put at rest beruhigen
stay calm; to stay calm ruhig bleiben
calm down beruhigen (mit Wörter)
calm gelassen; gefasst; die Ruhe
calm sb down jemanden beruhigen
calm Windstille (nautisch)
calm; quiet; silent ruhig
calm ruhig, gelassen adj
calm ruhig gelassen

I entered yet another suite. This one had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge sleeping room. The view was excellent, overlooking one of Saigon's largest and most impressive boulevards.
Nice to meet you. I am learning English but my English is very bad, we could exchange messages in Spanish. I have got all the chat applications on my laptop. Sorry again for writing with many mistakes.
As my wife is a travel agent, and knows that in certain cases people do not show up, we decided to take a taxi to the airport nonetheless. It was actually not far from the border, about 5 kilometers away.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of calm   [ calmed, calmed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beruhigen
beruhige  beruhigst  beruhigt  beruhigen  beruhigt  beruhigen  beruhigte  beruhigtest  beruhigte  beruhigten  beruhigtet  beruhigten