German Dictionary

Translation of revolving in German

revolving     umlaufend

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
A revolving sphere formed the mid section of the locket.

Eine rotierende Kugel bildete den Mittelteil des Medaillons.
hub; revolving disc; potter's wheel die Drehscheibe

So she and I went to the food store to buy some lunch. However, the store had almost no food and one could pay in local currency or in US dollars. One could really see the country's poor economy.
Language education is very important to me, because I really want to communicate with other cultures and people. If I could I would learn all languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Italian.
We started to look for other options and found the Salvation Army Boot lodge, which had much larger rooms for half the price. The second and third night we would stay there before moving on.
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