German Dictionary

Translation of steamy in German

steamy     beschlagen; dampfig; dunstig

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
It was so humid, my glasses got steamy and I couldn't see a thing.

Es war so feucht, dass meine Brille beschlug und ich nichts sehen konnte.

Great pictures. This looks very promising! At what time do you need to be back on Monday? I may have to return early on Tuesday as well, because my daughter's and my son's birthday are on the same date.
I have a few other short sentences by tomorrow. How can I pay for all these little translations? If I remember correctly I made also a small contribution through the channel last year... But I don't think you should charge for these ones.
Paris is totally a city for tourists because it has so many attractions. The Eiffel Tower should look beautiful at night. There are many ways to entertain yourself there. Start with the cafes.
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