German Dictionary

Translation of swear in German

to swear     fluchen; schwören

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He swore to retaliate for this.

Er schwor, dafür Vergeltung zu üben.
You can become a subject if you swear allegiance to this kingdom. Sie können Untertane dieses Königreiches werden, wenn Sie Untertanentreue schwören.
I swear, the snoopy woman next door watches me with binoculars! Ich schwöre, die neugierige Frau nebenan beobachtet mich mit einem Fernglas!
swear-swore-sworn schwören, fluchen
swear swore sworn schwören, fluchen
to swear schwören; umg. fluchen
to swear an oath einen Eid ablegen
to swear s.o. in jmd. verteidigen
to swear; swore, sworn fluchen; F!
to swear s.o. in jdn. vereidigen
to swear an oath ein Eid ablegen
to swear by schwören auf

I made a mistake regarding the information of the yield, you were right. I do not know whether the software had a license, I will let you know once I speak with my employer (tomorrow). Hasta luego.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
We considered staying a little longer in this region but the weather forecast foresaw heavy winds and lots of rain. We therefore decided to move on to our next destination which was the Peninsula Valdes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of swear   [ swore, sworn ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fluchen
fluche  fluchst  flucht  fluchen  flucht  fluchen  fluchte  fluchtest  fluchte  fluchten  fluchtet  fluchten     
Conjugation of schwören
schwöre  schwörst  schwört  schwören  schwört  schwören  schwor  schworst  schwor  schworen  schwort  schworen