German Dictionary

Translation of test in German

to test      testen 
the test     der Test; der Versuch
the test     die Klausur

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The neurologist tested his reflexes and said everything was fine.

Der Neurologe testete seine Reflexe und sagte alles sei in bester Ordnung.
Walking on these crazy heels is like a sobriety test. Auf diesen verrückten Absätzen zu laufen ist wie ein Nüchternheitstest.
The first test suggests that the ancient document is in fact authentic. Der erste Test deutet darauf hin, dass das antike Dokument tatsächlich echt ist.
examination, test; analisis; investigation (3ra) die Untersuchung
driving test die Führerscheinprüfung
to pass a test eine Prüfung bestehen
to take a test eine Prüfung ablegen
psychometric test psychologischer Test
the suitablility test der Eignungstest
test department Versuchsabteilung
test Prüfung; Klassenarbeit
to test; to examine prüfen

That's cool if we can arrange like this. I went to Europe last year, and I went to Germany as well, I loved it! What city are you from? I speak a little bit German but not very well (as you may see).
We had a great first impression of the people in Cambodia. We were expecting that people would like to take advantage of us but it wasn't the case at all. Our driver for example was very kind.
From there we flew on a day flight to Lima, Peru. We landed around 6 pm, it was already dark. From the airport we took a cab to our hotel (Hotel Carmel) in Miraflores, a beautiful, modern neighborhood.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of test   [ tested, tested ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of testen
teste  testest  testet  testen  testet  testen  testete  testetest  testete  testeten  testetet  testeten