German Dictionary
English | German |
to tidy up | aufräumen |

Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
We took a very relaxing breakfast and made laundry - by the way the cloths dried within 30 minutes as the humidity was as low as 10% or so and the sun extremely strong at this altitude.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
We took a very relaxing breakfast and made laundry - by the way the cloths dried within 30 minutes as the humidity was as low as 10% or so and the sun extremely strong at this altitude.
Check out these translations
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of aufräumen [aufgeräumt] |
räume auf räumst auf räumt auf räumen auf räumt auf räumen auf | räumte auf räumtest auf räumte auf räumten auf räumtet auf räumten auf |