German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: We experienced a typhoon on our tour in the U.S. . |
Auf unserer Tour durch die USA erlebten wir einen Taifun. |
guided tour; leadership | die Führung |
sightseeing tour | Besichtigungstour |
tour guide(1) | Reiseführer/ in |
guided tour | Führung (Museum) |
guided tour of | führung durch |
tour operator | Reiseveranstalter |
to tour | fahren durch; bereisen |
tour (on tour) | auf Tour(nee) |
tour | Führung, Rundfahrt |
tour | rundfahrt; führung |
tour | Führung, Rundgang |
Please let me summarize: The main problem of the project was the inability of the program to print the screen. The reason is that massive download may stall the connection at even 3Giga, which will result in congestion.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
San Telmo and Bocca were two additional neighborhoods that we have visited and these were actually quite nice. We were warned by the staff of our hotel to be alert in these neighborhoods as there were many thieves.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
San Telmo and Bocca were two additional neighborhoods that we have visited and these were actually quite nice. We were warned by the staff of our hotel to be alert in these neighborhoods as there were many thieves.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of tour [ toured, toured ] |