German Dictionary

Translation of transmute in German

to transmute     verwandeln

Translation by Vocabulix


Hi David, please send me your contact details, such as email, phone number and address. Is it possible to reach you by phone? I am looking forward to meet you, and you? Best regards and wishes.
I saw the game. After the amazing pre-match ball shot I was so excited I could not fall asleep for 2 hours. The Eurosport commentator said: 'So what is his next trick? Walking home on the Hudson river?'
I connected to a group of people and we played some volleyball, had some drinks and they told me a little about the place and the country in general. I returned to the hostel and took a cold shower.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of transmute   [ transmuted, transmuted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verwandeln
verwandle  verwandelst  verwandelt  verwandeln  verwandelt  verwandeln  verwandelte  verwandeltest  verwandelte  verwandelten  verwandeltet  verwandelten