German Dictionary

Translation of trigger in German

to trigger     auslösen
the trigger     der Abzug; der Auslöser

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The captain's belligerent comment triggered a torpedo attack.

Der kampflustige Kommentar des Kapitäns löste einen Torpedoangriff aus.
to trigger off claims; to prompt claims Behauptungen auslösen
to trigger off auslösen; zünden
trigger-happy schießwütig
to trigger sth etw. auslösen
to trigger auslösen
trigger off cause

As I mentioned before, due to the small memory size and the relatively large size of the application, a little of the traffic was lost. This traffic appeared on the log file as well as in the analyzer.
Let me summarize our meeting from Sunday, please give me feedback if something is unclear. I will send you the study material, including lessons and vocabulary lists to ensure the accuracy of training.
By the way, after my horrible experience I had changed the hostel. The place was not really better but much more quiet and near the Ocean. I woke up with the sound of a siren. It was the police.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of trigger   [ triggered, triggered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of auslösen
löse aus  löst aus  löst aus  lösen aus  löst aus  lösen aus  löste aus  löstest aus  löste aus  lösten aus  löstet aus  lösten aus