German Dictionary

Translation of weekend in German

the weekend      das Wochenende 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The repairman worked all the weekend.

Der Mechaniker arbeitete das ganze Wochenende.
Wednesday is the middle of the week and the day where some people start feeling the weekend. Mittwoch ist die Mitte der Woche und der Tag an dem einige Leute bereits das Wochenende spüren.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week and very close to the weekend. Donnerstag ist der fünfte Tag der Woche und sehr nahe am Wochenende.
weekly(1); weekend wöchentlich; Wochenende
weekend; my name is Wochenende; mein Name ist
on the weekend am Wochenende
weekend das Wochenende, -n
at weekend am Wochenende

Next winter I'm going to Spain, where i hope to study Spanish. It's easy to visit Germany. Munich is a big city in Bayern...It's a nice city. Lot's of restaurants, nice buildings, a lake nearby and really friendly people.
However, his English was excellent and we soon found out that he was an English teacher before the war. We agreed on a price for showing us the entire area during the next 2 days. We took a nap and he picked us up later.
Although we shared the ruins with about 3000 other tourists, it still left an amazing impression.
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