Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Los elfos aparecen en los cuentos de hadas en los que generalmente se los representa como traviesos. |
Elves appear in fairy tales where they are usually depicted as mischievous. |
Los cuentos de hadas son historias de hadas y duendes. | Fairy tales are stories of fairies and sprites. |
El hada madrina de Cenicienta le dio un hermoso vestido para el baile. | Cinderella's fairy godmother gave her a gorgeous dress for the ball. |
la hada | the fairy |

I understood that this was a real problem in this country and many foreigners came for sex tourism. Many bad stories had happened but my hosts were decent people. I could tell that right away.
I just came back from Switzerland. Please give me a week to read the material you sent me. How was your time in Switzerland? Rani already asked me yesterday. Tell me when and where. I'll keep Tuesday free.
2 hours later we landed in Hanoi, today's capital. After picking up our bags we started to look for a room to sleep in. The information desk did not really help us so we relied on the Lonely Planet guide.
I just came back from Switzerland. Please give me a week to read the material you sent me. How was your time in Switzerland? Rani already asked me yesterday. Tell me when and where. I'll keep Tuesday free.
2 hours later we landed in Hanoi, today's capital. After picking up our bags we started to look for a room to sleep in. The information desk did not really help us so we relied on the Lonely Planet guide.