Spanish Dictionary

Translation of importar

importar      to import     
importar     to matter    ; to be important; to import    

Pronunciation of importar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ella tiene una gran espíritu y no importa lo que pase, ella está siempre optimista.

She has a great spirit and no matter what happens, she is always optimistic.
Si quieres ser actriz, tienes que perseverar, sin importar cuántos rechazos sufras. If you want to be an actress you have to persevere no matter how many rejections you suffer.
Yo no quiero pagar el triple por el mismo artículo, sin importar lo bueno que sea. I don't want to pay triple for the same item, no matter how good it is.
importar to import

What steered the little fly to the plant? Naturally, we do not know the answer. The human being cannot understand nature because he is part of it, he is inside it. Therefore he cannot judge objectively.
A good friend of mine. He works currently in NY but is a Swiss lawyer, excellent and very intelligent. Shall I ask him? OK, sounds great. Maybe we can add his words and expressions (from the law field) as well.
At the bottom a Jeep waited for us and it was only a fifteen minute drive uphill to get back to the village. We explored the village and went to have a coffee at some nice place around the center.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of importar
importo  importas  importa  importamos  importáis  importan  importaba  importabas  importaba  importábamos  importabais  importaban  importé  importaste  importó  importamos  importasteis  importaron  importaré  importarás  importará  importaremos  importaréis  importarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of import   [ imported, imported ]
Conjugation of matter   [ mattered, mattered ]