Spanish Dictionary

Translation of interesar

interesar      to be interested     
interesar     to interest    

Pronunciation of interesar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ella gasta los intereses sin problema, pero nunca toca el capital.

She spends the money interests freely, but never touches the principal.
Él es una persona de muchos y misceláneos intereses. He is a person of many and miscellaneous interests.
Los artesanos de esta ciudad crearon una corporación para cuidar de sus intereses. The artisans of this city created a guild to take care of their interests.
interesar to interest

My name is Michael Jonsan and I am working with Swiss and German companies through the chamber of commerce, mainly in the bio and pharmaceutical markets. I hope that we can learn languages together.
Certainly, in a healthy mind, these feelings should not arise from bad thoughts. Not only the thought but also the reaction which arises and develops from this thinking is racism. Do you understand?
By the way, Jeffrey and Brooke got married before the trip and this vacation was their honey moon. On the deck Jeffrey suddenly noticed that he had lost his wedding ring. It was probably in the bag.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of interesar
intereso  interesas  interesa  interesamos  interesáis  interesan  interesaba  interesabas  interesaba  interesábamos  interesabais  interesaban  interesé  interesaste  interesó  interesamos  interesasteis  interesaron  interesaré  interesarás  interesará  interesaremos  interesaréis  interesarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of interest   [ interested, interested ]