Spanish Dictionary

Translation of interpretar

interpretar      to interpret     

Pronunciation of interpretar    

Translation by Vocabulix


interpretar roleplay

Naturally, like everyone else, Italian think about themselves that they are the best. They think that Italy is a great nation and a great country, but these thoughts are never aggresive or political.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
It was a good way of starting the trip. A ferry ride across the beautiful water, a beer in one hand and the unknown adventure lying ahead. I had to look for a place to sleep and checked a few hostels.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of interpretar
interpreto  interpretas  interpreta  interpretamos  interpretáis  interpretan  interpretaba  interpretabas  interpretaba  interpretábamos  interpretabais  interpretaban  interpreté  interpretaste  interpretó  interpretamos  interpretasteis  interpretaron  interpretaré  interpretarás  interpretará  interpretaremos  interpretaréis  interpretarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of interpret   [ interpreted, interpreted ]