Spanish Dictionary

Malo in English

malo     El mal tiempo. bad     the bad weather.
malo     bad    ; evil    ; sick    
malo     hokey [coll]

Pronunciation of malo    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tenemos que sacar las malas hierbas antes de plantar el trigo.

We have to pull out the weeds before planting the wheat.
La maestra lo mandó a hablar con el director debido a su mala conducta en clase. The teacher sent him to talk to the principal because of his bad classroom behavior.
Los ogros sólo existen en los cuentos y películas donde se los representa como malos y aterradores. Ogres exist only in stories and movies where they are depicted as bad and scary.
malo bad (adjetivo)
malo bad; schlimm
malo / mala bad
malo bad, evil

In addition I wanted to ask you whether you could quickly send me the language file that you created with your colleagues at Harvard. The entire language package needs to be reviewed and published.
Certainly, in a healthy mind, these feelings should not arise from bad thoughts. Not only the thought but also the reaction which arises and develops from this thinking is racism. Do you understand?
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