Spanish Dictionary

Translation of membrete

el membrete     the letterhead    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El papel con membrete de la empresa tiene su logo en filigrana.

The letterhead stationery of the company has its logo in watermark.
Usted puede encontrar el número de teléfono en el membrete de la empresa. You can find the telephone number on the company's letterhead.
el membrete briefhoofd
membrete letterhead

The casa cost me around twenty dollars and the woman wanted extra five dollars for food and cooking. Money was an issue in this country because no one had any. It is a very poor nation with great people.
The intolerance between them rose. The Dutch population feared assaults by their neighbors and thus kept away from personal contact with anybody who was not Dutch. Clearly this issue disappeared.
I rarely heard someone speaking so bad about his nation, but again, it wasn't my business. We closed the lights at midnight and hoped for a few hours of sleep. The train shaked and threw us around in our beds.
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