Spanish Dictionary

Translation of oler

oler     to smell    

Pronunciation of oler    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Quizás esté embarazada porque siente náuseas de todo lo que huele.

Maybe she is pregnant because everything she smells gives her nausea.
Ellos no prestan suficiente atención a la higiene y huelen mal. They don't pay enough attention to hygiene and they smell bad.
La coliflor es sabrosa pero huele horrible mientras se está cocinando. Cauliflower is tasty but it smells awful while being cooked.
oler a smell of
Oler Smell

Think always positively. There will be very hard times where even the ones who are supposed to be the closest will say things that will disappoint you the most. Listen to them but with caution.
One could see in every touristic site and traveler's office advertisement for language schools and private teachers. The teachers usually gave the CV with an nice picture of themselves. It looked funny.
Puerto Madryn was a boring city, but it was the hub to see the Peninsula Valdes, a nature reserve listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. We did not know what to expect but new that we would see Pinguins
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of oler
huelo  hueles  huele  olemos  oléis  huelen  olía  olías  olía  olíamos  olíais  olían  olí  oliste  olió  olimos  olisteis  olieron  oleré  olerás  olerá  oleremos  oleréis  olerán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of smell   [ smelt, smelt ]