Spanish Dictionary

Translation of oscilar

oscilar     to oscillate    

Pronunciation of oscilar    

Translation by Vocabulix


No one should eat street food in these countries, and neither I should have. It is not that I was not experienced from previous traveling, it is that I had just forgotten it and now I needed to pay for it.
Do you need a company that makes a complete Due Diligence or only the Technical claims and IP Due Diligence? I can give you the reference of a prominent law firm in the field of patents and copyrights.
The Lagoon Explorer had only room for eight passengers and crew. We were really excited once we saw the boat, as it looked beautiful. There was a couple from D.C. which also booked the same boat.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of oscilar
oscilo  oscilas  oscila  oscilamos  osciláis  oscilan  oscilaba  oscilabas  oscilaba  oscilábamos  oscilabais  oscilaban  oscilé  oscilaste  osciló  oscilamos  oscilasteis  oscilaron  oscilaré  oscilarás  oscilará  oscilaremos  oscilaréis  oscilarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of oscillate   [ oscillated, oscillated ]