Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: El jugador de fútbol dribló la pelota hasta que llegó a la meta del otro equipo y anotó un gol. |
The football player dribbled the ball until he got to the other team goal and scored. |
El jugador de baloncesto rebota la pelota mientras trata de acercarse a la canasta. | The basketball player bounces the ball while trying to get near the basket. |
Anotó un gol después de que la pelota rebotó. | He scored a goal after the ball rebounded. |
la pelota de básquetbol | basketball |
la pelota de playa | beach ball |
pelota; bòol | ball |

Naturally, like everyone else, Italian think about themselves that they are the best. They think that Italy is a great nation and a great country, but these thoughts are never aggresive or political.
A good friend of mine. He works currently in NY but is a Swiss lawyer, excellent and very intelligent. Shall I ask him? OK, sounds great. Maybe we can add his words and expressions (from the law field) as well.
My wife and her started a nice conversation and the village girl did not believe that my wife was older than thirty years old. My wife considered herself as old, but the little girl explained her that she wasn't.
A good friend of mine. He works currently in NY but is a Swiss lawyer, excellent and very intelligent. Shall I ask him? OK, sounds great. Maybe we can add his words and expressions (from the law field) as well.
My wife and her started a nice conversation and the village girl did not believe that my wife was older than thirty years old. My wife considered herself as old, but the little girl explained her that she wasn't.