Spanish Dictionary

Translation of perdón

perdón      sorry     
el perdón      the forgiveness     
el perdón     the pardon    

Pronunciation of perdón    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Le pidió perdón a su esposa pero ella estaba demasiado enojada con él para perdonarlo.

He asked his wife for forgiveness but she was too angry at him to forgive him.
Fueron al santuario de la Virgen a pedir perdón. They went to the Virgin's shrine to ask for forgiveness.
Sin arrepentimiento no hay perdón. There is no pardon without repentance.

Only an independent observer would be able to judge nature, for example God. In this poem the independent power is the witch who cooks her soup of nature, she knows what ingredients she needs to add.
It comes not only from the need to feel superior (which would be a legitimate and natural desire), it is also the consequence of ignorance, believe in stereotypes and old-fashioned intolerance.
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of pardon   [ pardoned, pardoned ]