Spanish Dictionary

Translation of persa

persa     Persian    

Pronunciation of persa    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Los antiguos persas vivían en lo que hoy es Irán.

The ancient Persians used to live where Iran is now.

I would rather like that you write through the messaging system on this site and not to my private email address. All the info is gathered here online and I would like to keep is this way. It is nothing personal.
I had never heard the phrase before. In America, there are also different idioms than here in England. It seems that the Americans say it differently than we do here in the United Kingdom.
I come from Bavaria and live in Munich. How are you? Sorry that I am replying your email just now, but again I am covered with work. My boss is back from vacation and gives me many assignments.
Do you know the meaning of? pensionista    pausar    parpadear    pan tostado    ortografía    ombligo    observación    nos    negatividad    muñeco