Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pintar

pintar      to paint     

Pronunciation of pintar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Los santos católicos se pintan con un halo dorado alrededor de su cabeza.

Catholic saints are painted with a golden halo around their heads.
El experto dijo que este cuadro es falso y no fue pintado por Miguel Ángel. The expert said that this painting is a fake and was not painted by Michelangelo.
Robert hizo pintar su coche porque la corrosión le arruinó la carrocería. Robert had his car painted because corrosion ruined its bodywork.

Delivery time can be immediate. However, usually the customization process is the bottle neck. Unfortunately learning system systems are NEVER simple shelf products. The X1 and the X2 can come in a lot of configurations.
Most are able to overcome their fears and to overcome their ignorance, if they want to. The subject that i am writing about is also an important factor in history since history consists of conflicts.
About multiple translations: We want students to memorize 'idioma' and 'lengua' as they are both very common. The best we could do is to place them in 2 different lessons, so that users learn them both.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of pintar
pinto  pintas  pinta  pintamos  pintáis  pintan  pintaba  pintabas  pintaba  pintábamos  pintabais  pintaban  pinté  pintaste  pintó  pintamos  pintasteis  pintaron  pintaré  pintarás  pintará  pintaremos  pintaréis  pintarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of paint   [ painted, painted ]