Spanish Dictionary

Translation of plantar

plantar     to plant    

Pronunciation of plantar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Tenemos que sacar las malas hierbas antes de plantar el trigo.

We have to pull out the weeds before planting the wheat.

No one should eat street food in these countries, and neither I should have. It is not that I was not experienced from previous traveling, it is that I had just forgotten it and now I needed to pay for it.
I even put on my Poncho, a plastic rain coat, in order to protect myself from the aircon-breeze. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and woke up at around six in the morning when we approach Palenque.
The days before I left to Mexico and Cuba I started to track the hurricanes in the region. September was not the ideal time to visit the region, but it fitted the best according to my previous boss.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of plantar
planto  plantas  planta  plantamos  plantáis  plantan  plantaba  plantabas  plantaba  plantábamos  plantabais  plantaban  planté  plantaste  plantó  plantamos  plantasteis  plantaron  plantaré  plantarás  plantará  plantaremos  plantaréis  plantarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of plant   [ planted, planted ]