Spanish Dictionary

Translation of precio

el precio      the price     
el precio     the price    ; the cost    

Pronunciation of precio    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El precio del coche varió desde el mes pasado.

The price of the car has varied since last month.
La dirección ha decidido bajar los precios de algunos artículos en un nuevo esfuerzo para vender más. The management has decided to lower the prices of some articles in a new effort to sell more.
No podían prever el aumento del precio del oro. They couldn't foresee the rise in the price of gold.
el precio fijo (fixed) price

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Most are just afraid of the unknown and see the unknown as a threat to their stabilty. Can one blame them? I think you can blame them. It is the fault of the ones that are scared to improve and learn.
After a short guided tour we came back to pick up our luggage and left to the airport. When the airplane took off it was already dark outside. We were surprised about the airline's good condition and service.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cost   [ cost, cost ]